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Lander University’s Wellness Center Teams Up with Faculty and Staff to Assist Students in Need

Lander University’s faculty and staff teamed up with the Wellness Center to assist students in need through a toiletry drive. “Over the years we have seen a growing population of students not having the necessary items to upkeep personal hygiene,” said Sam Abney, Lander’s director of disability services. Items donated include body wash, conditioner, shampoo, deodorant and a variety of other personal hygiene products.  Photo by Sam Abney.

Lander University’s Wellness Center recently hosted a toiletry drive during the last week of September. Faculty and staff donated personal hygiene items to help any students who might be struggling to afford them.

“Over the years we have seen a growing population of students not having the necessary items to upkeep personal hygiene,” said Sam Abney, Lander’s director of disability services.

“All of the items are donated by the great faculty and staff here at Lander,” said Abney. Items donated included soap and body wash, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant and a variety of other hygiene products.

“The cabinet was close to empty before the drive,” said Abney. After collecting items, the stock was overflowing and two overflow areas had to be created to store donations. She appreciated the diversity of the products which were donated, and said that “faculty and staff were very cognizant about different ethnicities, individuals who may prefer organic items and providing products for males and females.”